Surgical instruments | A proactive approach to care & maintenance

CSSD Care, maintenance & inspection of surgical instruments

Healthcare providers will never underestimate the importance of properly caring for all surgical supplies and tools. Critical to quality patient care, the longevity of a hospital’s surgical instruments always comes down to a strict cleaning process and conservative maintenance philosophy. This puts huge pressure on your CSSD to follow strict sanitizing protocols as well as […]

Overcoming CSSD challenges

CSSD surgical instruments supplies

    The CSSD (Central Sterilisation Services Department) could probably be considered the ‘heartbeat’ hub of your hospital or healthcare facility. Pre-cleaning and sterile storage – as well as the management of stocks and sets – are not only vital in the sterilisation process but also in the streamlining and efficient running of the daily […]

Surgical instrument repair | Stay sharp & reduce overheads

Surgical instrument repair @ Instrumental Healthcare

  Amongst all the critical jobs that need to be carried out in any hospital or medical practice, surgical instrument repair or maintenance is probably one of the least favourites. However, in the midst of ever-shrinking budgets and staff shortfalls, this is a common problem area that can rear its ‘ugly blade’ at the most […]

Medical instrument sterilisation | Maximising patient safety

Surgical instruments sterilisation

The standard duty of care and critical practice of instrument sterilisation to avoid microbial contamination is not only a modern-day medical phenomenon. The Ancient Egyptians turned up the heat by using materials such as sulphur and tar as antiseptic substances. As the quality of surgical instruments improved and was able to withstand more significant levels […]

The vital role of a surgical instruments supplier in operative success

Surgical instruments supplier South Africa

In a practice field that is relatively untouched by robotics and automation, tangible surgical instruments remain the proverbial ‘hammer and chisel’ to surgeons, GPs and nurses providing primary care. Much like the baker who depends on the best quality yeast and flour to craft the finest artisanal bread, a clinic needs to rely on a […]

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