Burns Treatment | Extinguishing pain & infection timely & effectively

As we move into the cold winter months, many emergency departments, GP rooms and local clinics can expect to see a rise in patients seeking urgent treatment for burns. Whether it be injuries sustained in a house fire, accidents incurred while cooking or serious workplace incidents involving toxic chemicals, burns are a traumatic experience […]
Are your skin grafting methods outdated?

Are your skin grafting methods outdated? Use this checklist to find out So, you feel like your skin grafting toolsare out of the dark ages. We totally get it! You’re convinced there must be a better way to perform skin grafting procedures. You’re frustrated with complicated equipment, masses of cables and unusable grafts. So, what could […]
Advanced wound care solutions for effective treatment & recovery

Whether it’s a raucous rugby festival, a child getting to know the braai a bit too well, a dog bite or post-operative stitches that need delicate attention, wound care remains the first port of call for much of our primary care treatment. Nasty gashes and open wounds can present themselves at clinics at all […]